Performances / Performances / 2023/2024


Duna Táncműhely, Budapest

- Dance Theatre Performance Based on the Drama Entitled The Misunderstanding by Albert Camus –

The central theme of the performance is the tragedy in the sense of not belonging in a home. The unusual fate of an average family is played out before our eyes, a faded family picture that is reminiscent of the absence of affection toward each other. In the focus of the drama is the universal sense of desire for another place that is similar to the desire to be someplace else. The performance is also inspired by mythology, it highlights and reinterprets the case of the prodigal son. It draws the story toward the present by making use of the opportunities provided by misunderstandings and by dissecting the subject in an emphasized and understandable manner. What does the concept of “home” mean to us? Can there be attraction, possibly love between two people who are thought to be strangers, and who are otherwise siblings? What is a mother’s life worth if she doesn’t recognize her only begotten son? How can a caring and passionate motion be misunderstood, or brotherly attention be reinterpreted into a seductive glance? What is the difference between motion, the intent behind it and the assumed intent?

Zeneszerző / Composed by Boros Csaba

Dramaturg / Dramaturgy: Czvikker Katalin

Jelmez- és díszlettervező / Set and costume design: Kiss Zsuzsanna

Fényterv / Lighting design: Lendvai Károly

Rendező / Directed by Györfi Csaba


Támogatók / Sponsored by Nemzeti Táncszínház, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, SÍN Kulturális Központ