News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2017.11.08

School Program 2017

The sixth edition of our educational program Theatre in School, School in Theatre was opened by Eszter Novák, art director of Szigligeti Company, on the 7th of November, with the participation of almost 50 high school and university students.

The program, launched in 2011, aims to help young people get more familiar with the world of theatre, gain insight into the artistic work behind the scenes, and, last but not least, to help them become appreciative audience members.

The subject of the next performance to be created within the school program, Are You My Friend?, is friendship. What should we show of ourselves in front of our classmates, our friends, our teachers, our parents, on Facebook? The same things? Or something different? As teenagers, we sometimes make friendships too quickly, thinking they would last forever. Then we are often disappointed. Similarly to What will I be when I grow up, this year's school program will be based on the students' own experiences.

Similarly to other years, teams will be coached by actors of Szigligeti Theatre. At the end of the rehearsals, with the help of Eszter Novák, the students will create a full-length performance.