News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2015.12.04

Ibusár – a Musical Vision at a Railway Station

On the 13th of December, at 5 pm, Ibusár will be played again in Szigligeti Studio. The “huseretta”, complete with music and dance, has train station employee Jolán Sárbogárdi at its centre, finds it ever more difficult to make a difference between her dream (to become a famous operetta composer) and reality. In the main roles: Tünde Tóth, Róbert Kardos M., Ibolya Csiky, József Szotyori, Imre Dobos.

Tickets are available at the theatre's booking office, Tuesday to Friday 11 am to 5 pm, or one hour before curtain times, and online at Free season tickets are also valid for the show.