News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2015.11.11

„We search for magic in everything”

Andor Szilágyi's tale Leánder and Lenszirom will premiere on Friday, the 20th of November, at 7 pm, in Szigligeti Studio. The play's director, Tünde Tóth has directed several youth plays in the past. The actress-director recalls that during her student years, she was featured in Andor Szilágyi's tale, playing the role of a bat.

“To me, it is very important to be able to talk about something that preoccupies the audience, and in our concept, Leánder and Lenszirom is a tale about teenagers, for teenagers” – she says. She declares that this play is extremely interesting for her because its characters are in a permanent development, and their development reflects our own day-to-day relationships. “This being a fairy tale, it is full of magical elements, and the obstacles that appear in front of the protagonists, in fact, tell about the search for ourselves. The play doesn't intend to give answers, rather just emphasize the excitement of the search. It is thought-provoking, but at the same time, lots of fun – audiences are in for big surprises” – the director adds.