Performances / Performances / 2023/2024

Ray Cooney

It Runs Into Family

Harag György Company

There are moments in the life of a man when is forced to decide: he or she assumes a scandal that jeopardizes both his career and family life, or tries to escape with the help of lies.

Professor David Mortimer lies before the most important conference of his life, when appears unexpected his lover from his youth, together with their 18 years old son. The professor chooses the latter: he lies, explains, thus creating increasingly more complicated situations. On-call room is dominated by chaos, while the audience is entertained on honesty …

Director: LENDVAI ZOLTÁN inv.
Set designer: BÁTONYI GYÖRGY inv.
Costume designer: SZABÓ ANNA
Set designer assistant: FORNVALD GRÉTI
Stage manager: SZABÓ RITTA
Director assistant: BOGÁR BARBARA