Performances / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble / 2023-2024

An Evening With Bartók and Stravinsky

Central Europe Dance Theatre

Two classics, two choreographers, one evening. Both take the audience into a world of myths, death or transformation, and transcendent power. What is it we sacrifice today? What is it we dance today? Attila Kun re-interprets The Rite of Spring, based on folk music and the beliefs of the Russian plain, into a contemporary medium. Stravinsky composes a deeply buried, and still inextirpable instinct into his music: the instinct to believe in a world order based on laws. Princess of Colophone tells the story of Arachne, the princess turned into a spider, who, believing she was the greatest weaver in the world, challenged the goddess Athena into a contest. Gábor Halász is not trying to illustrate the story in an obvious way, but he creates a clear and followable dramaturgy from the relationships between characters, offering a continuous theatre experience to Béla Bartók's 4th string quartet.

Choreographers: Halász Gábor és Kun Attila

Assistants: Anna Maria Karabela, Fodor Katalin

Performers: Horváth Adrienn; Hargitai Mariann; Jakab Zsanett; Wéninger Dalma; Mádi László; Ivanov Gábor; Kovács Péter; Nagy Mátyás Csaba; Dunai Bettina;

Costumes by: Béres Mónika, Kotormán Ábel

Lights by: Fogarasi Zoltán