Performances / Szigligeti Company / 2023-2024

Csongor and Tünde

In the framework of the programme entitled Theatre in school, school in theatre
A fairy tale

Theatre in school, school in theatre is a programme involving high school students. Its aims are to bring students closer to the theatre and to some decisive works of Hungarian dramatic literature, to develop their reading comprehension, to facilitate their insight into the creative processes of the theatre and the use of theatrical tools as a form of self-expression. This time we adapt Mihály Vörösmarty’s dramatic poem entitled Csongor and Tünde. Groups of students are formed in different schools; each group can choose a scene from the work and puts it on the stage directed by the actors, using a form language they work out for themselves. As the outcome of the programme, the different production segments are played in one festive performance, which will be premièred in the theatre on the Day of Hungarian Culture.

Cast of characters:

Premier: 2012.01.22