News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2012.05.09

Tragedy at the mill

The last première of the season at the Szigligeti Theatre is on Saturday, the 12th of May, at 8 p.m. The performance entitled Oedipus is based on Sophocles’ play and is directed by István Szabó K. The location of the performance is the Léderer Mill of Oradea-Velența (Miron Costin Street nr. 21.) Tickets can be bought at the box office of the theatre from Tuesday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and an hour before performances.

Oedipus’ inheritance is the Curse, on his blood. He was conceived at a bad place in a bad time. His compulsory rampage brings him closer to his cruel role of fulfilling the curse instead of distancing him from it. ‘Am I not wicked? Not filthy by all means?’ – the revelation comes too late. The crime was committed earlier, Oedipus’ role is the atonement. His expedition only confirms what he has feared. (István Szabó K. director)

Sophocles was born in Colonus in 496 BC. His name is linked to many innovations in the field of dramaturgy. According to Aristotle he was the first who used sets on the stage. During his long life he wrote around 120 plays, from which – not taking in consideration the bigger and smaller fragments – only 7 were preserved in full length. Three from these took its topic from the Theban Cycle and it is about Oedipus’ guilt and the curse of the whole family.