News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2020.03.30

Online Theatre: More Shows Added

Szigligeti Theatre's #stayhomewatchtheatre campaign continues between 30 March – 5 April, aiming to help stay in touch with our audience and publish video recordings of earlier performances online.

The campaign started in 15 March, and since then, 8 shows – including several by Szigligeti Company, Lilliput Company, and Nagyvárad Ensemble – have been published on online platforms. Titles include Liliomfi, Buborékok, and Nagyvárosi bujdosók.

The online novel reading started on 23 March and ends on 31 March. Under the coordination of artistic director Novák Eszter, the company's nine actors read chapters from Nagy Endre's novel Egy város regénye (Novel of a City).

Thinking of students who are out of school because of the pandemic as well as their teachers, Lilliput Company is preparing to publish its performance Toldi, based on the epic poem by Arany János, directed by Bartal Kiss Rita. The video goes live on 1 April. Friday, 3 April, Nagyvárad Ensemble is publishing its dance theatre performance Senki madara / Nobody's Bird, inspired by Szabó T. Anna's novel of the same name, and directed by Tóth Tünde . The performance premiered in 2018. Sunday, 5 April, Szigligeti Company publishes its show Kapufa és öngól / Goalpost and Own Goal, based on the text that won first prize at our playwriting contest, directed by Tasnádi-Sáhy Péter.

The performances will be available on the theatre's Facebook pages and Youtube channel, all throughout the crisis.