News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2017.03.30

Ma Chambre Froide in Budapest

The play Ma Chambre Froide by world famous contemporary French playwright Joël Pommerat will be presented by Szigligeti Company in Budapest, in Thália Theatre, at the Festival of Hungarian Theatres from Outside the Borders. The performance will take place on 5 April, at 7 pm.

About the play, director Theodor Cristian Popescu has said the following: “Ma Chambre Froide is the closing piece of a five-episode cycle: along with my plays directed in Bucharest, Sibiu, Târgu Mureş and Arad, it aims to start a kind of a theatrical conversation about characteristic phenomena of contemporary capitalism. It is my conviction that these phenomena place humanity in front of a completely new era, facing challenges that are unlike any we have faced before. Pommerat's play draws attention to these changing circumstances, speaking about the new workings of interpersonal relationships without moral judgement.

Estelle's dream, the thriller-like plot, and some comic elements make it possible for the spectator to watch the events from a distance from which reality looks even more mysterious and surprising. I think the aim of contemporary theatre is exactly that: to help us see the world from ever a different point of view, to never take anything for granted or known. I think this creed is valid for describing the efforts of Szigligeti Theatre, whose actors and audience go against seemingly carefree superficiality with ever greater courage.”