News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2017.01.20

Exciting Start of the New Year in Szigligeti Theatre

In the remaining part of the season of 2016/2017, Szigligeti Theatre Oradea will have 2 more big-stage premieres, 5 children and youth plays, two studio performances, HolnapUtán Festival, and a lot of additional programs.

On the 11th of January, rehearsals for Gameofthrones Casting have started. Szigligeti Company will present an interesting, experimental play in March, under the direction of Attila Balogh, mainly for young audiences.

On the 22nd of January, the Day of Hungarian Culture, Varadinum Cultural Fund's award ceremony will take place in the auditorium of Szigligeti Theatre. At the gala, Szigligeti Company will play the comedy Auntie Máli by Milán Füst, which had its premiere in November.

In February, Szigligeti Theatre will go on a four-day tour. Between 9—12 February, the theatre's companies, together with Várad Cultural Magazine, will present Oradea's cultural life in Miskolc. There will be an exhibition opening, two plays by Szigligeti Company, and one performance each by Lilliput Company and Nagyvárad Ensemble, as well as a special Törzsasztal event and a performance titled Élő Várad (Oradea Live).

Hungarian Dance Association will have its meeting in Oradea, in January. At the event, the association's members, along with leaders of dance ensembles from Transylvania, will discuss, among others, the Festival of Professional Dance Ensembled from Transylvania, to be organized by Nagyvárad Ensemble this Fall.

Nagyvárad Ensemble's next big stage premiere will take place on the 10th of March. The dance theatre performance Barbarians, directed by Csaba Györfi, is based on the short story of the same title by Zsigmond Móricz, using a mixture of folk and contemporary dance genres.

Szigligeti Theatre will take part in the events organized for the 200th anniversary of poet János Arany's birth. On the 2nd of March, János Arany's birthday, a poem recital titled Honnan hová (Where From, Where To) will take place in Salonta, featuring the poet's works. The performance will also be presented in Oradea, on the 15th of March. At the end of March, the youth play adapted from the playbook that won the contest called Istók the Fool – from Salonta to Margaret Island, will have its premiere, directed by Iván Hargitai. Also in connection to the anniversary, Nagyvárad Ensemble joins the theatre's youth programme Theatre in School, School in Theatre: in the course of Spring, they will create a play together with several folk dance groups from the county, adapting János Arany's ballads into folk dance.

Between 6—9 April, Szigligeti Theatre organizes the fifth edition of HolnapUtán Festival. Contrary to past editions, this year, the festival will consist mainly of theatrical programs, and there will also be a workshop with acting students.

Szigligeti Company's last big-stage premiere of the season, Molière's The Misanthrope is scheduled for the 21st of April. The comedy will be directed by Eszter Novák.

In what's left from the season, Lilliput Company will present two children's plays. In February, Moss and Fern will have its premiere, a play especially for smaller children, and for Spring, the company is preparing Farmer Giles of Ham, based on the tale by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Beside plays and festivals, several additional events will take place in the second part of the season. In March, there will be events related to World Theatre Day, then in April, the Day of Hungarian Poetry, World Dance Day and World Puppet Theatre Day. In Spring, Harag György Company of Northern Theatre Satu Mare will bring us a Shakespeare play directed by László Bocsárdi, while other guest performances are also being negotiated.

Szigligeti Theatre informs its audience that Free Season Tickets are still available for this period, valid for 3 or 4 freely chosen plays. Regarding the festivals and guest performances to come, don't forget about our Festival Season Ticket, valid for 4 festival plays or guest performances. For more info about tickets, season tickets and upcoming events please visit