News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2016.10.15

We have celebrated Dobos Imre

Actor Dobos Imre has celebrated his 50th year on the stage yesterday, 14th of october, in Szigligeti Theatre.

After the premiere of the play My Little Cold-room, emotional moments took place on the stage of Szigligeti Theatre. Actual and former fellow actors celebrated the 50th anniversary of Dobos Imre's – Cibi's – theatrical carreer.

Novák Eszter, art director of Szigligeti Company, said that when she was first called to lead the company, World Circus was the first play she saw in Nagyvárad. Right then, she became convinced that the Dobos Imre's art and personality is a compass and a moral standard for the whole community. 

On behalf of Tamási Áron Theatre Sepsiszentgyörgy, a laudation was presented by actress Piroska Klára, transmiting the words of László Károly. In her speech, the actress recalled all the roles that Dobos Imre had played in front of the audience in Sepsiszentgyörgy, for 22 years. On behalf on Szigligeti Company, actor Hajdu Géza gave a speech, underlining the fact that with his humble personality and eagerness to work, Dobos Imre can serve as an example for the new actor generation.

In closing, general director Czvikker Katalin awarded Dobos Imre the Szigligeti Ring.