News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2016.10.04

Euroregional Youth Song Contest

Within the youth week of Szigligeti Theatre, on the 4th of October, dr. Mohos Nagy Éva, gead of department at the University of Debrecen, dr. Váradi Judit, vice-dean at the University of Debrecen, Czvikker Katalin, general director of Szigligeti Theatre, and Marian Boboia, director of „Francisc Hubic” School of Arts, have signed a letter of intent, agreeing that, if the local authorities will offer support, they will organize the Euroregional Youth Song Contest once again.

The talent show, organized with great success between 2005 and 2011, wishes to give opportunity to the youth of counties Bihar and Hajdú-Bihar, ages 17 to 30, interested in and practicing genres of light, popular and classical music, to show themselves.