News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2016.09.21

DráMÁzat III. – Winners

The drama contest, organized by the Tomcsa Sándor Theatre of Székelyudvarhely, Szigligeti Theatre of Nagyvárad, and the Hungarian Department of the University of Arts in Marosvásárhely, has announced its winners on the 20th of September, at the Contemporary Theatre Meeting in Székelyudvarhely. Applications recieved up to the 30th of June were evaluated in three categories, each by a separate jury, made of theatre professionals from Romania and Hungary.


The contest titled dráMÁzat III. has raised a huge interest again this year. We have recieved almost 100 applications, most of them from Hungary and Romania. The category called Debüt had 50 contestants with plays written in Hungarian. For the contest drámaÍRÓ, we have recieved 37, previously unpublished, Hungarian-language dramas, not yet presented on a theatre stage, from writers who have had their other works published previously. For the category draMAutor, we have recieved a single application, a Romanian-language drama that has not been previously published or adapted to the stage.


Members of the jury in the category Debüt – Czvikker Katalin, director of Szigligeti Theatre in Nagyvárad, Nagy Pál, director of the Tomcsa Sándor Theater, theater critic Köllő Kata from Kolozsvár,  Budapest dramaturgist Lőkös Ildikó, director Zakariás Zalán, and actor-director Hunyadi István – have named  Körmöczi-Kriván Péter's play Sidebar and Own Goal as winner. Perfume and Corpse Smell by R. Kántor Zsigmond won second place, while Varga László's England came out third. In the category drámaÍRÓ, first prize was won by Moravetz Levente with his work There Will Be No morning, Fred!, second place by  Moşu Norbert-László for The Penguin and the Rubik's Cube, while Ghetto Love by Réczei Tamás came third. In the category  drámaÍRÓ, members of the jury were Albert Mária, translator and professor at the University of Arts in Marosvásárhely, Fazakas Márta, literary secretary of the Szigligeti Theatre, theatrologist Fodor Zeno, Csurulya Csongor, art director of the Tomcsa Sándor Theatre, and literary secretary Demeter Katalin.


The drama Sidebar and Own Goal  will be adapted and presented next season in the Szigligeti Theatre in Nagyvárad, in collaboration with the directing students of the University of Arts in Marosvásárhely. Also, similarly to past years, the organizers intend to publish an anthology featuring the best works.