News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2016.09.15

Rehearsals for Auntie Máli are starting

Wednesday, the 14th of September, Szigligeti Company has started rehearsing the comedy Auntie Máli. The season's second big stage premiere is directed by  Koltai M. Gábor.

The text by Füst Milán had an interesting journey from the author's family heritage to the Hungarian stages: the work by one of the significant members of the first Holnap-generation was unknown for theatre and literary historians for decades. Auntie Máli was discovered in the 1980-s, and first presented in Budapest, in 1984. It has been played with great success  in various theatres ever since.

Koltai M. Gábor graduated as a stage director from the Academy of Drama and Film in 2000. He has worked at state theatres and independent companies alike, directing works by Shakespeare, Goldoni, Kleist, Csehov, Füst Milán, Arthur Miller, Tamási Áron and Weöres Sándor, among others. For “The Danton Case”, he won the Theatre Award of Budapest as Best Director.

His productions have been featured at many festivals, most notably in POSZT, FNT, TESZT, and at the Theater World in Brno.

The play is scheduled to premiere in November 2016.


Cast of Characters: 

A CEO: Kardos M. Róbert

ALFONZ, his son: Balogh Attila

TILDA, his daughter: Jerovszky Tímea

AUNTIE MÁLI, a poor relative:Csíky Ibolya

UNCLE NOVÁK, her husband: Dobos Imre

MISS MARGIT, secretary: Pitz Melinda

MR HORVÁTH, an accountant: Sebestyén Hunor