News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2016.08.03

Szigligeti Summer Nights have started

This year's Szigligeti Summer Nights have started on the 30th of June, with a charitable dance marathon. The event was initiated by Szigligeti Theatre and  Unique Dance Studio, the money will be offered to Yuppi Camp, an association which organizes regular camps for children suffering from chronic diseases.

Almost twenty amateur and professional dancers participated in the dance marathon, on the open-air stage of the Fortress of Nagyvárad. The contest, initially meant to continue for seven hours, went on for eight and a half hours, and its first prize – 500 RON – was won by Gelei Orsolya from Margitta.

Szigligeti Summer Nights offer quality entertainment for lovers of dance, music and theatre alike. The event that takes place between the 30th of July and the 2nd of September, will feature an Argentinian dance show, the premiere of the playMine Flower by Szigligeti Theatre, and also operetta and pop concerts, brought to Nagyvárad by well-known artists such as Oszvald Marika, Peller Károly, Szendy Szilvi, Koós Réka, and Koós János.