News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2016.07.10

Actor Varga Vilmos passed away

In the 85th year of his life, actor Varga Vilmos, Life Member of Szigligeti Company, has passed away. 

The doyen of Hungarian acting in Romania was born 1931, in Hegyközkovácsi, Bihar county. After graduating from  Szentgyörgyi István School of Acting, he debuted at the Hungarian theatre company of Temesvár. Some of his legendary roles were Val Xavier (Orpheusz alászáll), Lucifer (Az ember tragédiája), or Szakáll Dani (A bosszúálló kapus), but at the same time, he earned the public's and theatre professionals' respect with the plays he had directed, and also his individual performances. He published theatrical articles in local newspapers, and wrote his memoirs in three volumes. The entire team of Szigligeti Theatre commemorates him with great respect.