News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2016.06.09

Awards at the Mini-Season

Szigligeti Theatre's Mini-Season ended on the 8th of June, with the play Happiness Express. In the Mini-Season, the public had another chance to view the 12 productions of the last season. On the closing night, the company's prizes have been awarded.


First, we gave an award to loyal audience members who have had season tickets in the last decades. Golden Season Ticket has been awarded to Molnár Judit and Pásztai Ottó 


The Backstage Award, awarded to one of the theatre's backstage workers, based on the recommendation of the team and decided by the theatre's management, was given to illuminator Lázár Attila. Golden Plum and Golden Pear awards were given to the theatre's deckers and workshop.


Ababai Csilla won the Földes Kati award for actors under 35, based on the vote of the company's members.


For the Audience Award, viewers could vote online or during the Mini-Season, by filling out forms. By the audience's decision, this year's winner was Szotyori József.


Quality Awards were decided by a jury, consisting of Budaházi Attila, dramaturgist of Csíki Játékszín, directors  Koltai M. Gábor and Theodor Cristian Popescu. They said that during these days, they saw the diverse efforts of three powerful companies that want to evolve. Best Puppet Artist Award was adjudged to Oláh Anikó Katalin, Best Dancer Award to Brugós Sándor Csaba,  Kocsis Gyula won Best Supporting Actor, Ababi Csilla Best Female Lead, and  Hunyadi István was named Best Male Lead.


The evening continued with a celebration for Kovács Enikő, who is at her 30th year in her carrier. Hajdu Géza said about her that in her three decades spent on the stage of Nagyvárad, she played roles that could be the dream of any Hungarian actress.


The Lifetime Achievement Award for the 2015/2016 season was awarded to legendary Szabó József Ódzsa, who – as also Hajdu Géza mentioned – “disturbed the still waters of Hungarian theatre lika a stone thrown into a silent lake”, creating suck innovative plays that remained memorable for 20th and 21st century Hungarian theatre history because of their poetry.


We thank our supporters: Press and Publisher Europrint,  Ferox Kft., Borostyán Catering, entrepeneur Pető Dalma, Andy Trans, Szigligeti Tanoda Association.