News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble

News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble 2016.11.08

Collisions in the Szigligeti Studio

The production to be presented tomorrow, created through a “work in progress”-type workshop, is another great chance for the Nagyvárad Ensemble to develop both technically and creatively. Nine choreographers have worked together on the dance play`s creation, bringing nine different, unique movement systems and languages along with them, thus enlarging the technical arsenal of the dancers of Nagyvárad Ensemble. The creators` goal was that, by the end of the creative process, not only the production itself will come into being, but also a base, a system of dance language that might be further sustained and developed for the future productions of the ensemble.

“The performance, assembled from etudes by more than one coreographer, does not wish to explain or enounce anything. It brings into light situations, real and imaginary events, presents things that can be easily recognized and related to by the audience” - says the play`s dramaturgist, Szalay Tamás, choreographer and dramaturge, winner of the Bánffy Miklós and Lyra awards, executive secretary of the Hungarian Professional Dancers` Association.

It is a great joy and opportunity for the ensemble that, besides the invited choreographers – such as Andreea Belu, Juhász Zsolt, Baczó Tünde –, their own choreographers and dancers also had the chance to create some of the etudes in the play. This way, László Csaba, Györfi Csaba, but also Brugós Sándor, Kerekes Dalma and T?kés Imola had the opportunity to work on the performance. The production`s director, Dimény Levente also contributed to the creation of the play as a choreographer.

The production came into being with support from the Bethlen Gábor Fund and the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.