News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble

News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble 2016.06.02


At the start of our mini-season, we would like to draw attention to the fact that at its end, there will be a “bonus” performance by an invited company. To the invitation of Nagyvárad Ensemble, M Studio from Sepsiszentgyörgy will present its gestural theatre performance called Identity. This is the second work of director Fehér Ferenc with the company, the first one being Kampf, which has been played a little while ago in the Szigligeti Studio, in front of a full house. This time, the company's artists will play on the big stage of the theatre.

About the play's premiere last year, the director said that it contained very little action, because he prefers to think in pictures, and yet the performance came together during the rehearsals. He said he liked to present honesty, he loves dynamics and humor, he did not draw inspiration from himself, but rather from the actors – he talked to them, he wanted to know what each one of them could bring with them and add to the performance, and so the play was born out of all these different ideas.

Everyone has a life, a past, a present, an actual story, a cause that they show with sound, words, movement or even an object. Then these stories change „hosts”. Laurie Anderson has once sung: „There are ten million stories in the Naked City. But no one can remember which one is theirs.”

The performance will take place on Thursday the 9th of June, on the stage of Szigligeti Theatre. Tickets can be purchased in limited numbers at the booking office of Szigligeti Theatre.