News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble

News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble 2016.04.19

At the Break of Dawn

Maros Artistic Ensemble will present its new folk dance performance in Nagyvárad, on the 26th pf April, 7PM, on the stage of Szigligeti Theatre.

The ensemble has a history spanning over 60 years, comes with an authentic folclore show, titled At the Break of Dawn, which includes elements from dance theatre, but uses them through traditional folk dance techniques. The performance's title was inspired by an ancient folk prayer, while the text of the show is assembled from different ballads. The last scene has the Romanian colinda The Ballad of Nine Deers, used by Bartók as base for his world famous Cantata Profana.

The folcloric part is mainly of Hungarian oigin, but it also incorporates Romanian elements – Romanian and Hungarian folk dances in Transylvania have the same origins. Martin György says that in Transylvanian folk dance, ethnic differencess have no importance. They danse the same base, seasoning it with their own ethnic flavours. “We have work to do with Romanian folk dance, because it is part of the Hungarian heritage: it is rooted in Transylvanian Hungarian folk dance” – says Varga János.

Tickets can be purchased in the booking office of Szigligeti Theatre. To reserve your seat please call 0772215371.