Performances / Performances / 2023/2024

Bertolt Brecht-Kurt Weill

The Threepenny Opera

The Threepenny Opera retells the story of a classic English satirical work, from a new point of view. The author of the original text is John Gray, a poet and writer from the time of the English Enlightment – preceding the French one. The funny text mirrors the business practices of the early days of capitalism in an ironic, almost angrily accusatory way, practices that seem familiar even today. Its hero is the clever citizen who organizes beggars and criminals into a business company. This was the original idea that Brecht used to base his own comedy on. And although it was fiercely condemned at the time, it still became an international success. Brecht's worldview is a dialectic one. His main question: what can a man do to keep his humanity in a world where one can only get along to the detriment of others, and if he wants to remain honest, he will perish? According to Brecht, the world needs to change, but it will still remain unchanged. Brecht trusts the force of reason, but doubts its power.