Performances / Performances / 2023/2024

George and Cole

Budapest, Academy of Theater and Film

With lyrics in English!

In their work, the two American composers have combined the means of jazz and classical music, graced us with countless evergreen hits and jazz standards, the genre of musical can't be understood without them.

3rd year musical acting students, who will appear in front of a large audience for the first time on Ódry Stage, will demonstrate their talents as performers, as well as their abilities in music and dance.

It is a true theatrical show, using, on the one hand, classical elements, rules and etiquette of the genre, and on the other hand, lets today's youth find a personal approach to these works, through their talent and imagination.



Cast: Bori Réka, Borsi Balogh Máté, Brasch Bence, Czvikker Lilla, Fáncsik Roland, Fekete Gábor, Hajdu Péter, Hunyadi Máté, Imre Krisztián, Jenővári Miklós, Józsa Bettina, Kurucz Dániel, Ladányi Júlia, Litauszky Lilla, Mentes Júlia, Nagy-Bakonyi Boglárka, Széles Flóra


Conductor: Selmeczi György

Members of the orchestra: Bíró Rudolf, Duka Tibor, Jakab János


Choreographer: Bóbis László

Assistant choreographer: Csömör Marcell

Directed by: Novák Eszter