Performances / Performances / 2023/2024

Tóth-Máthé Miklós

Destined for Greatness

Zanotta Art Production

Since József Katona, historical dramas have had a great tradition in Hungary. In the newest play by Miklós Tóth-Máthé, the author tells the story of Hungarian archbishop Tamás Bakócz, almost elected for papacy. The prelate had just returned from Italy to organize the crusades, recruiting an army against the Turks with king Ulászló's blessing, and named a lieutenant who had joined the army to escape from bondservice, and was later ennobled by the king for his heroic deeds. His name was György Dózsa. Dózsa accepts the assignment with modesty, returning the honor by training the army, and immediately leading his troop of peasants and bondsmen into battle. But Bakócz's papal mission and Christian determination falls flat because of the opposition of the lords, their hatred of bondsmen, and their fear of the “army of the poor”. And so, Dózsa's people turn against their masters, the infuriated troop proceeds to kill and destroy, but finds itself up against Zapolya's revenge. Dózsa is captured, and executed on the fiery throne. The old and bitter archbishop prepares to leave for Rome, but, by Ulászló's request, he stays to bury his friend the king, and, later, to be himself laid to rest in the chapel built in honour of Holy Mary, a chapel that will ultimately be renamed in his honour.