News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2014.03.27.

Brave soul and Antigone in April

In the middle of April there will be two guest-shows on the Szigligeti Theater Stage. The National Theater from Budapest comes with a Tamási Áron drama on 10th of April. The theater from Debrecen will perform on April 11 and 12 the well known Greek tragedy: Antigone.

Áron Tamási: Brave soul

The play was directed by Vidnyánszky Attila, the director of the National Theater. All those, who will come to see the play, will have the opportunity to see great actors like trill Zsolt, Martinovics Dorina, Reviczky Gábor. The role of Tenki Réka will be replaced by Trokán Nóra.
The aim of the writer with this play was to draw a portrait of the Hungarian people soul. The great question of the play is: how is received the one who just turns back from a war? If we had a common past, do we have a common future as well?

Sophocles: Antigone

On 11th of April from 19:00 o’clock and the day after, on 12th of April from 17:00 o’clock the Csokonai Theater from Debrecen will perform Antigone, the great Greek drama written by Sophocles. The play was directed by Anca Bradu, the one who directed here the Kasimir and Karoline at the Szigligeti Theater.
In the production of the Csokonai Theater there are two actors from the Szigligeti Theater: Kardos M. Róbert and Pál Hunor.

The burial of the dead is essential. This cannot be questioned. But what do we do when we find ourselves faced to an absurd decision according to which it is forbidden to bury our dead relative? What happens when the authority decides that from today, he is God? He decides that his command is more saint than the law of nature and ethics? Antigone’s answer is obvious: legally or not, the dead must be buried. Even if the autocracy replies with death penalty.
2455 years have passed since the birth of this play… But the conflict of morals and authority is still a relevant and fresh theme, facing, which is challenging not only for the director, but for the spectator as well.