News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2014.02.10.

Invitation to the Fancy-Dress Ball

On 22 of February you are invited to a ball. Saturday from 19:00 the Szigligeti Fancy –Dress Ball will be held at Lotus Mall. The theme of the ball is the reform period. If you came all dressed up in a period dress you can buy your ticket for 60 lei (instead of 80 lei). If you have problem finding a dress, feel free to ask us. You can rent a period dress from our property room free, without any charge.

The music will be given by the Sanzon Band with the participation of the Varadinum string-qiartett. There will be also guest performers like Páll Tímea, Popovici Dóra, Patai Róbert, Czvikker Lilla and Timut Alin.

Admission to the ball can be paid at the secretary of the theater from Monday till Friday from 9 to 15 o’clock.