News / Szigligeti Company

News / Szigligeti Company 2017.03.16

World Theatre Day in Szigligeti Theatre

On Monday, 27 March, we invite you to celebrate World Theatre Day with us. On the day's schedule, we have an exhibition opening, a commemorative event, and also a special theatre recital.

World Theatre Day events start on 27 March,, Monday at 4.30 pm, with an exhibition comprised of theatrical memorabilia once owned by the late Vilmos Varga. At the opening, his fellow actors will commemorate the doyen of Transylvanian acting.

The evening will continue with a special recital. Actors of Szigligeti Company will read the drama Kályhabúcsúztató (Farewell to the Furnace) by Oradean writer and journalist Gábor Varga, directed by Attila Gáspárik, director of Târgu Mureş National Theatre. The drama is “in fact a requiem for the Transylvanian Hungarian way of life that once was. The drama is built around a seemingly everyday conflict: an intellectual family, drowning in debt, try to sell the most precious ornament of the house, an old tile furnace, unused for years, only collecting dust. Objects that are long unfunctional, storing just memories, suddenly gain a role, and what's more, a strange man appears in the living room... The decision is not easy. The story, however, is far from being only about the furnace anymore...” – director Attila Gáspárik has said. The event will take place on 27 March, at 7 pm, on the big stage of Szigligeti Theatre.

The closing event will be a theatrical talk show, featuring the debutant actors of Szigligeti Company. The interactive discussion aims to bring actors closer to their audience, and present them from another perspective, one that is not seen on the stage. The show, full of surprises, will begin at 9 pm, in Szigligeti Studio.

Entrance to the events is free.