Performances / Lilliput Company / 2023-2024

Václav Čtvrtek

Moss and Fern

Moss and Fern are two elves. (What in the world is an elf?) One is quicker, the other one lazier. Or is it one lazier and the other quicker...? And along with them, there is the Sun, the Moon, the Fairy, Rosie, the bush, the Smoking Badger, the Jumping Bug, the Fog-cooking Water-elf, the Bumblebee and the Verbascum-seed, or the Wind and the Cuckoo – Holy Moly! Or there is the crazy weather: when is it Winter? When is it Spring? Or Summer, Autumn maybe... Maybe in the afternoon. Or yesterday morning? A lot of music, friendship, clowning around, fun and games, because Moss and Fern are quicker and lazier, or lazier and quicker... all the same: Moss and Fern. You and me.

Cast of characters:

Premier: 2017.02.11